Customer feedback

Upgraded fuse board and installation of a Wallbox electric car charger

Excellent service, all work was completed as per their quote, and everywhere was left clean and tidy with minimal disruption. Very professional and helpful, would highly recommend, job well done thank you!

- Customer from Checkatrade

EICR on 3 of our properties with remedial work carried out for completion.

I contacted EE Electrical as 3 of my rental properties needed a lanlord’s safety certificate. They carried out all 3 EICRs and 1 of the 3 properties needed a new fuse board. All Remedials was quoted and carried out within a week of the test which was great. Very happy with these chaps, very professional and will defiantly be using for our future works.

- Customer from Checkatrade

Upgrade consumer unit to comply with current regulations, install smoke alarm, make safe switched fuse spur due to being situated to close to sink in kitchen. Provide installation certificate for above works and provide EICR (landlords safety cert).

Very happy with these guys. They were quick, polite and very helpful. They helped me to get the property up to current regulations, I would certainly recommend them to everyone.

- Customer from Checkatrade

New consumer unit, moved cooker supply, replaced sockets and various other electrical jobs.

Another company tested the electrics in the house and despite being unable to access the consumer unit recommended a complete rewire and quoted over £6,000. Lewis suggested replacing the consumer unit, doing the tests properly and then testing. No rewire was required. The cost, including numerous other minor electrical jobs around the house and garage was £1,000. He also provided all the necessary certificates. Lewis was honest and straightforward throughout the process and pleasant to deal with. The only criticism was that he tool a while to provide the quote.

- Customer from Checkatrade


The process started 2 years ago when I first considered a re wire of my rental property. I asked several companies to test the wiring and quote if the tests were negative. Two companies said they could not test the wiring but gave me a requiring quote anyway. Lewis suggested renewing the board any testing the wiring which I went with and it passed. When it came to a change of tenancy I decided to re wire and Lewis gave me a quote that was still competitive with the previous 2 year old quotes. He did the job well within the agreed time and cost and It was all very neat.

- Customer from Checkatrade

Update and Relocation of fuse board

Amazing work carried out. Was very accommodating and also was great at giving clear options for carrying out the job. Very tidy worker, very respectful and very friendly.

- Customer from Checkatrade

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